Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Books

Christmas brought an influx of new books, both as gifts and through raiding my mom's bookshelf. I have posted most of them on the reading list sidebar. I am particularly excited about The Great Trek, a religious pilgrimage into the desert where a group of mennonites believed Christ would return. My mom's great grandfather was part of the trek. Obviously the second coming did not occur, and most of the mennonites were sent money by relatives in the US and Canada so they could immigrate.

I also received the fabulous entertaining guide I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence by Amy Sedaris and I'm Just Here for More Food, Alton Brown's book on baking (it's more than a cookbook, it's about the science of baking at a non-scientist level)

I finished Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro and can highly recommend it to all. Leah hasn't let me down yet.

1 comment:

Leah said...

i haven't let you down because I ROCK! And I'm modest.