Wednesday is National Record Store Day.
Go out and support your local independent record store. If you don't have one, maybe buy an album from an independent record website. I'm planning to visit Sonic Boom
I haven't decided what to buy yet, but the new M.Ward is one of the top contenders
I believe he will be playing at the Visalia Fox theater this month
I like what I've heard of the new album so far.
Damn the man. Save the Empire.
Hmmmm...What local stores are there in Fresno? I only know of Spinners. I suppose I could get some new vinyl.
I couldn't think of any either, which is why I added the independant online bit.
rasputin's allegedly has a large vinyl selection. i've never been, so i don't know.
But Rasputin's is a chain, right?
well, sort of. i mean, i thought they only had like 2 or 3 locations. i could be wrong.
hey, april 18 is a month from today. i totally didn't notice that, but reposted this on fresno famous and someone capped on me for it.
OH...I totally didn't catch that. So hold off on buying albums for a month.
Yeah, I guess Rasputin is sorta the Bay Area indie chain.
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