Saturday, November 18, 2006


For some reason I was inspired to try my hand at mking a Hollandaise. It started last night with an innocent trip to the grocery store. I picked up some english muffins, and then it hit me, its been a while since I've had Eggs Benedict. Since my Breakfast Club went defunct due to the other three members leaving Seattle (two out of the country, one to Philly which may as well be). During the heyday it was a safe bet that I would have a benedict at least once a month....

So I can report that I was pleasantly surprised by the results. The sauce didn't break, in fact the consistancy was near to perfect. The flavor left something to be desired. It didn't have the piquant edge I like, probably because I didn't use enough lemon juice and didn't have any papricka. So I cheated and tried to save it with a bit of chili pepper and tarragon (which technically makes it more of a bernaise) but I added them at the end,s o they didn't really have a chance to really meld with the sauce. Still, for a first attempt, I count it a success. Unfortuantely I can't say the same for the poached eggs, a technique I am far from mastering.

discalaimer: the image isn't from my attempt, just a picture to start your mouth watering.


Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

And the entire time I was reading the post I kept wondering... "is that really how it turned out? WOW!" Then I got the disclaimer.

Anonymous said...

hey isn't that what we tried to have in Colorado?

timidvenus said...

yummy. i know it sounds gross, but i had a hollandaise with a touch of nutmeg in it, really good.

Justin said...

Yes Becki, it is the same sauce we had at Jays. I think his tasted better, but mine had a better consistancy (if I do say so myself)

edluv said...

hey, i don't think we can go to seattle for new jears. which stinks. i've got to be back @ work on the 2nd, and i'm not really wanting to fly on the first.

oh well.

Unknown said...

Hopefully yours didn't take three hours of whisking to make it.

Adam said...

Hey Justin, did you try vinegar in the water before you poached your eggs? I've heard that helps, but I've never poached an egg, so that tells you how much I know.

timidvenus said...

or you can do what i do: use an egg poacher. i got a hard boiled egg maker for my wedding (i am addicted to hard boiled eggs, could eat 4 every day) and it also is an egg poacher. handy machine, works well.

Justin said...

I tried the vinegar. I think maybe the eggs were not super fresh, which apparently leads to feathering.

I need to get a poaching dish.