So I've decided to have a go at the facial hair thing. Now those of you who know me well, know that I am a bit of a girly man when it comes to hair growth, which is to say what takes some guys a night to grow will take me weeks. Unlike Ed, who used to braid his goatee.
So the top picture was taken about a year ago, when I first got the new computer and was playing with built in camera.

this phot was taken a minute ago. note the scraggly pathetic growth. In my defense, I truimmed it down a bit this morning, keeping it short untill it fills in a bit.
Ready set grow!!!
Congrats, and welcome to the Fraternal Order of the Facially Hirsute.
How are you going to keep it? Are you going for the full beard (with moustachioes)? Myself, I've got the chin curtain or donegal, as seen here.
Here's a list of beard styles. Can you believe there's a beards.org site? This here internets is cracking me up.
Well, congrats again!
By the way, you look really healthy!
Jay, have you heard of the international beard/mustache competition?
I prefer the full beard with trimming as needed/desired. It requires much less effort (the reason I have a beard anyway).
Here's the link.
I'm a big fan of facial hair, you look very sophistifunk!
I have never heard of that competition.
Clicked the link-- speechless.
I'm a fan of the absurd, but only from a distance, so I doubt I'll be joining the Beard Team USA anytime soon.
Just promise me you won't grow it Menno-Style like your dad.
You look like you're ready for tenure. ;-)
No, I don't think I will go for the menno style. I'm actually letting the mustache grow out, which is the hardest part. I don't like mustaches, but I like the ful beard cut close. Every day is a struggle not to shave the whole damned thing.
Keep up the good fight Justin. Also you should add my blog to your links. I know you read it.
I think beards are distinguished. GO for it!
When I was in first college I had a professor named Grover Krantz He use to hunt Big Foot and he was pretty well known in the field of cryptozoology. He taught Physical Anthropology and we were discussing sexual dimorphism and he was talking about the beard and how the shaved face had somewhere along the line replaced the natural facial hair and he couldn't figure out why men wanted to look like women. He had a beard, I had a beard. I gave a huzzah from the back row. He pointed and nodded. Beards are our birthrights. They just are.
i'd like to add my name to the public supporters of your embeardening
hey! my link doesn't work. is there sabotage at work? maybe the same person messed it up that tried to cut the transmission tubey things on my car that ended up costing $170 to replace. all i'm saying is maybe. just maybe.
you look fergilicious.....um, i mean d-to the-e-to the-l-i-c-i-o-u-s...i mean great.
No worries Leah. I think Justin just added an extra http in the address when he saved it. All he's gotta do is take that out and it'll work fine.
Unless, he meant to do it. hmmmm...
dewd. what's the progress? And wheres the musical evolution post?
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