Thursday, December 01, 2005

Apple Rocks

I picked up my computer on Wednesday. It was a one week turnaround including the Holiday. They replaced the top case (the part your palms rest on) the screen, the DVD, and a bunch of cables. All that for just over $300 dollars. So know I will cathc up on the posts. I realize I haven't said anything about my thesis or architecture in a while, so I will post something soon.


Adam said...

'Bout time.

edluv said...

try not to drop it so much now

Anonymous said...

IT's like darth vader, most of it is replacement parts. I also think its is a bit evil, the brand new screen doesn't always turn on when I start up, but seems to work when I do the cntrl-apple-restart. I see a trip back to the apple store this weekend.
