Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back at school

School has started up again, and I celebrated by showing up late to my first class. It wasn't intentional, and was really bad form since the prof is on my thesis comittee. So for all of you who could probably care less, here is my class list: Theories of Representation (examines different types of architectural representation- types of drawing, models, photos, etc and how and there effect on architecture) Active Controls (HVAC, Eggress, electrical systems, etc) Ethical Practice, and Studio. This quarter I am working with three other guys on a competition entry. We are designing a swimming complex with competetive and recreation facilities. On top of this I will be meeting with my thesis comittee every other week. Hopefully this will be a much more productive quarter than last.

And now an explanation of the sign. The rumor is several years ago a student got hold of the forms needed to have a sign placed on a building. Who knows how they came up with the random name, or how it actually made it through the channels, but there it is in all its confusing glory. The sign is outside my studio, which is located in what we call the thesis house. The house is located on the fringe of campus, away from the rest of the department, and is primarily used by people working on their thesis, hence the name. Imagine filling every room of your house with tables and desks, then fill all the remaining space with years worth of crap (model supplies, paper, plywood scraps, furniture mock-ups, etc) and you understand. More pictures to follow...


Adam said...

Must be near the Department of Redundancy Dept.

timidvenus said...

who cares? what i want to know is if the beer is replenished every day.

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Just a suggestion. Maybe you want to get some info from Malisa about your swimming project since she has swam in more pools than any of us. I'm sure she has some interesting perspectives about what's important in a swimmng complex.

Justin said...

There is an endless supply of beer in the fridge. We celebrated the first day of classes by setting up a conference room and sitting around drinking.

As for the pool, I will probably have some questions once we really get underway. In the meantime tell her to mull over it and see if anything comes to mind.