So I tried to ues the title of the blog for the web address, but somebody already beat me to it, hence the boring justinkliewer.blogspot. Oh well.
I know that I promised on the last blog that it would end when I returned from Taiwan, well it did. Sure it was implied that I wouldn't continue blogging, but I lied. I do that sometimes. Its not pretty, but there you have it, call me a sinner if you will, I can take it. I was jealous (another sin) of my friends blogs, and decided that I wanted a way to keep them up to date about my comings and goings. So really I'm doing this for all of you.
Your welcome.
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3 months ago
Thank you Justin. I look forward to reading brilliant, insightful ideas everyday. None of that reality tv crap. That's stuff is way overdone (or so you say).
Huzzah! Justin is back on the smarmy comment circuit!
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