Monday, June 08, 2009


I love realizing that I haven't checked a favorite website for a while, because it means there is a treasure of cool stuff waiting for you. Case in point, I hadn't been to Josh Spear lately, so I had several month worth of posts to peruse.

Back in April there was a post about a site called Is This Your Luggage. The site displays the contents of lost luggage that has been bought at auction. As the about sections says, it's voyeuristic and a little odd, but not as odd as stamp collecting.

There's also a link to an interesting article about the origin of shoe names. I knew about Adidas, and of course Nike, but some of the others were interesting.

1 comment:

Adam said...

That shoe article was pretty sweet. I knew about Adidas, Puma, and Nike. The Reebok was one was pretty interesting. I never would have guessed it was Afrikaans.