The table started out blue, but there were several areas where colors were showing through, and the paint had a really funky texture that tended to stick to paper, etc. I don't know what sort of paint they had used, but it was pretty nasty. The photo above is one of the legs, you can see bits of the various colors after it had a couple scrapings.
After I pulled more of the paint off I saw that there were some flowers painted on the leg, along with the original red paint.
I briefly thought about leaving the various layers of paint and putting a clear coat over the whole thing. That thought passed. I think the table is redwood, and it will look really nice stripped down completely. I am going to carefully sand around the carving, so that it remains.
Given how long it is taking, I don't think I'll be finished until about this time next week.
Stay tuned...
so effin cool. good work my friend.
Very, very sweet.
That is awesome. Are there any updates to post? I can't wait!
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