Saturday, February 28, 2009


What is the source of the "I'm in your...'verbing' your..." joke?

Like, "That's right, I'm in your pantry, eatin' your CocoaPuffs", or Adam's recent post "I'm at ur gatez, bein' a barbarian."


Where does it come from? Who started it?


Anonymous said...

I'm in your comments, answering your questions.

Unknown said...

It came from some online game, somewhere...

Justin said...

Right, thanks Jay.

I knew that the image came from Icanhascheezburger, since I downloaded it.

Adam said...

Yeah, I think it came from Warcraft or some other similar online game. "I'm in ur base, killin ur doods."

liz said...

they are called lolcats for short, grandpa. i think the most detailed explanation i've heard is from coffield, and it had something to do with shorthand communication inside some video game. have you seen dune cat? that's my favorite.