Friday, July 02, 2010

It's Tour Time!!!

I'm not an ass-backwards soccer hater like Glenn Beck, but I have to admit that I'm not a fanatic. I've endured the blog posts, news reports, and tweets... now its my turn. Of course if last year is any indication, I'll get pretty distracted and not really post much. For a quick recap, see last years post here and a brief bicycle history here.

Expect me to cheer for Garmin Transistions, HTC, and the Shleck brothers (SaxoBank). Although Contandor will no doubt tear it up, and is possibly the top pick for the overall, expect nothing but boos from this corner of the blogosphere. I'll even root for Cavendish before Contador.

1 comment:

edluv said...

you know deep down in your heart you're pulling for gryffyndor.