Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer Goals

Over the weekend we were talking about goals for the summer.
My list in progress:

-Visit San Juan, Shaw, and Orcas Islands
-Camp on the Olympic Peninsula
-1000 miles on the bike odometer by July. It hit 500 over the weekend. I started using it about the time I got the bike in August. (It lived in the garage all winter)
-Ride to work and back. I'm putting this on so I can check something off right away. I ride home occasionally, but I never ridden to work. Usually I take my bike on the bus, so that i don't get all sweaty on the way to work. I have the office to myself tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about stinking the place up all day.
-Build a bed. I've been rocking the mattress on the floor since I moved upstairs, since the bed and box-spring do not fit up the stairs.
-Find the best burger in Seattle. Katie (one of the weekend trip organizers) is leading the charge on Tour de Burger, and we will not rest until we have declared a winner. I'm told there will be t-shirts.
-Buy a seersucker suit. I have 3 weddings to attend this summer, and i plan to rock the seersucker at all three.


edluv said...

have you seen helvetica? i'm watching it right now. not great, but mildly interesting.

Adam said...

Yeah, someday I'm gonna build me a bed.

Justin said...

I like helvetica. Its crazy how emotional some people get when talking about a font, and the social/cultural significance of sans serif.

edluv said...

i couldn't finish it. got a little too boring for me.

Kara DeFrias said...

Where're all the weddings?

Justin said...

Weddings in Washington and Wisconsin.

edluv said...

seersucker on a civil servant's salary? no, ma'am, it's neersucker.

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Lots of seersucker suits worn in the south. Elias even got two little pant outfits that are seersucker. Nice. :)

I always felt bad about driving to work, since I work three miles from home. But the big deterrent is always the sweatiness. At least you aren't dealing with humidity.

Your summer list is great. I think it may inspire me to complete a list of my own.