Tuesday, April 07, 2009


I think I might try to start a new series of posts, interesting bathrooms in bars/restaurants. You may remember the tire mirror frame and exposed conduit I posted about here. This bathroom moment is directed at Adam.

(I don't mean that to sound the way it might...)

While Top Pot Donuts has a mediocre donut (don't get me started on their "cruller") they do have a palindromic name and a nice approach to bathroom design. I particularly like the picture frames. They are about 6" deep, and each side is solid wood, not a buildup of profiles like you would find in wood molding. I also appreciate the fact that, while certainly not a quiet frame, the lines are simplified and elegant. Not the sort of thing you expect in a donut shop.


Adam said...

Reminds me of a beefier, expanded version of this.

Lulu said...

Back in the day I went to the Wendy's on Shaw and Clovis and I they had two toliets but no stalls and the toilets were perpindicular to one another so one was full on facing the other one. I was very confused but highly entertained.

There are some odd restrooms out there, I like this idea.