Sunday, September 23, 2007


Adam asked for a couple aerial shots...
The first is where we docked the plane at the island. I'm not sure how much of the project is still confidential, so I won't mention any place names. The bay itself was a little clear pocket, but because of the fog we had to land out a bit farther and have a boat come guide us in.
This is from the return to Seattle. My house is between the water in the foreground (Greenlake) and the patch of water beyond (Lake Union). Its a little overlap of neighborhoods we call Wallingmont (or Freeford, being an amalgam of Freemont and Wallingford). The arterial road running down the middle is Aurora Ave, familiar to those of you in Fresno as 99. Yes, a little lifeline to the valley that I drive on everyday.


JD said...

Amalgam is a great word. Nice to know you're just "up the road" a ways.

Adam said...

That first shot is pretty sweet.