Wednesday, July 18, 2007

my absence.... will continue

It has been noted that I haven't posted much lately.

This is true...

and will continue.

it's summer, I spend all day on the computer, pick an excuse. Hopefully as the summer ends (is a coincidence that it is raining today, and I am blogging) I will rejoin the blog world.

here are a few pictures for the time being

Clams from a weekend on the Kitsap Penninsula at my friend Heather's
Colfield serving up the clams, which we all preferred over the mussels we had feasted on down by the water
And if you need more explanation for my absence, I've been reading a lot, in my new chair
After so many years of dreaming, I am the owner of an Eames Lounge Chair, and I love it!

So that's all, I may post again after this weekend's wine tasting trip to Walla Walla, but I make no promises. And for those in Fresno, I will be coming home in October (the weekend of the 14th) for my 10 year reunion at FPU.


Unknown said...

I can't believe you got the chair!!! That's fantastic, man! I'm happy for you.

Adam said...

Wow, an Eames. Sooooo jealous.

edluv said...

that is a purdy chair. relax well my friend.

Anonymous said...

Sooo very jealous about the chair!

Adam said...

Hey, summer's over!