Saturday, February 25, 2006

one more, I blame becky

You Are Kermit

Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies!

I love these things

Your results:
You are Superman

Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
The Flash
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Saturday, February 18, 2006

thesis and more

so I obviously have fallen behind in the postings...Sorry.

I am trying to work on my thesis proposal, since it needs to be finished before I can register for next quarter, and registration started last week. It's weird writing a proposal for something you are already doing, but in the future tense. I'm not sure how much of the actual research to discuss in the proposal. All I know is that I want the damn thing finished so I can move on to writing the actual thesis. Which is why I am sitting in the computer lab at 9:40 on a Saturday night, pretty sad. I think I'm the only person in here. I'm about to leave, but I will be back bright and early tomorrow (well 10ish) to work on my paper for Ethical Practice, it needs a lot of work and I am trying to finish it this weekend, fat chance.

so thanks for visiting, sorry I wasn't more interesting. Maybe next time.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Chronic of Narnia

I'm sure that some of you (ED) have already seen this, if not take a look, it restores my hope in Saturday Night Live
  • Cronic of Narnia

  • Make sure it finishes loading before you play it so the sound and video line up. And somebody tell me what the references are that I'm missing; videos, other songs, etc.

    Tuesday, February 07, 2006

    paper time

    Sorry there hasn't been much posting from me, and sorry that I haven't made a cd for Adam like I promised. The last week has been pretty crazy, as in busy, not spaceships flying pigs and the like. I've been trying to write a position paper for my ethics class, and it's turning out to be a critique of my program. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is necessarily the smartest thing to turn in. I've been trying to avoid directly discussing the ethics class, and my critique isn't slamming the department. Really it's just on comment on how the curriculum isn't as integrated as it could be, particularly concerning ethics and other non-technical aspects of architecture, with the possible exception of urban planning.

    I'm sure non of you give a rip about this, but it is taking up much of my brain power lately. I think it is helping me lay the groundwork for my thesis, providing a rational for why I think what I am doing is important. Now if only I could finish this paper so that I can integrate some of it into my thesis proposal.

    I figured I should include a picture, so here you go. This is some sort of 3-D extrusion of the Mandelbrot Set, the basis of fractals. Steve and I were talking about them over Christmas. Thats all, nothing to do with my research, just think they are fascinating.

    Sunday, February 05, 2006

    my inner donut

    You Are a Caramel Crunch Donut

    You're a complex creature, and you're guilty of complicating things for fun.

    You've been known to sit around pondering the meaning of life...

    Or at times, pondering the meaning of your doughnut.

    To frost or not to frost? To fill or not to fill? These are your eternal questions.