Saturday, May 27, 2006

The time has come the walrus said...

So this is it, this little half sheet of purple paper is what I have spent the last three years working towards. Or at least this little sheet will get me the fancy velum with a seal and that jazz, but this one feels like more of a victory. Now all that remains is to give a presentation and answer a few questions (June 7th 9AM) and I will be finished!!!


Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Wow! Congrats Justin! So the presentation is about your thesis, and the questions too? And then you have a graduation, right?

I bet you are thrilled.

timidvenus said...

so, does that mean youre coming home yet? i cant take much more of this.

also, i love lewis carroll

Adam said...

Way to go Justin. Every time I see your mom she just goes on and on about how excited she is that her boy is going to be gainfully employed. Of course, the nest thing she brings up is the beach house you're apparently going to design for her. Better get cracking.

Unknown said...

Do you realize
That you have the most
Beautiful Diploma???

Do you realize
That now you have
To get a job?

Justin said...

yeah, hopefully whatever they send in the mail will look a lot nicer, not that I intend to frame and hang it. It will go in a box with my undergrad diploma, if I can ever find that.

And I have a job. I'm looking forward to working full time, and to the paycheck that comes with it. Finally I won't have to bumb money off my parents at the end of every quarter.

I present on Wednesday. Basically it will be reading little excerpt from the thesis, then some discussion. I don't want to do the whole bullet point power point, so I think I'll just find interesting images and quotes so that the committee doesn't get bored.